Thursday, November 07, 2019

Supporting the most productive innovators in the country

You can't expect the narrow minded dependencies in the cities to not focus on the apparent sin of subsiding farmers ( even with in drought ) , As culturally determined cynics ,they are so suspicious of business and the business of everything .
ALL they want to  do is win their simple arguments on 730 and ABC Melbourne ' not really understand the stress and respect the non dependent approach of producers , Which is  why low interest loans are some of the best ways for govt to be involved-.such $ seed innovation.

But you can beat the blinkered pedants at their own game . The simpletons  want to preach "the big bad drought and CC making things worse and worse."
Wise eco polys would remind them that what they are doing is MORE REALISTIC and place driven -solving LOCAL resilience adjustments well .

If the Libs really listened to the needs of rural communities, they would support local ecologists and economists ( I was one ) to hand the money out to specific areas on the basis of local needs ( droughts are different in different areas ( not like Laura Tingle tried to state on 730 ).

 For example dry western NSW has for a  long time needed to invest in silage and burying it in trenches dug by excavators ( normal silage down south requires a lot of work,  dangerous packing methods +rots if not packed watertight ) 
Areas receiving a fair bit  of rain in the last week can harvest even thistles for feed. and also do it anytime in their normal unreliable feed supply systems. ( not just shed s etc)     
Agistment wasn't mentioned but is presumably still part of drought assistance.   



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