Monday, March 14, 2022

Too comfortable and guilt ridden

 Nothing should be more obvious to the God botherers (Gb's) than that assuaging guilt is always the most common practice in the country.
As even Gb's aren't all daily into whipping themselves back  into the guiding wisdom, the consensus has gotta be " ITS someone else or someone else's problem". 
The wise in the country are not listening to the guilty lost in the media circus and are just praying for a real miracle, That the country will vote with its eyes and ears open to the truth .Who can use  the open eyes of science when the leaders and commoners have their eyes closed? . 
So when our Gb prime minister feeds the proud, ignorant , arrogant and unconfessing ABC and throws the advantage of taking a stand against the shiny new heaven on earth policy ( Net Zero) we can all say wisely that even he doesn't listen hard enough- He's slipping.
Sure the risk is that the dependants will vote for more of the daily drip feed  but ...

Why does this capable man let the woke old liberals in his midst talk up their ability to create heaven on earth with an attitude of non humility which will clearly not get them there.
I mean the thick  Jim Chambers speaks well for the self righteous guilty parties in all parties  of choristers when he chants "- yes by faith we WILL  overcome the looming debt and inflation crisis and we are right and full of knowledge on this " 

Give me the old time religion and let's keep our feet firmly on the ground so our children at least have a place here that doesn't make them servants of our own indulgence , unrepentance and blatant guilt avoidance  therapies ( that won't work ).