Thursday, November 08, 2018

You can't have it both ways

You can always tell a person who is lost because they see all ways , and all possibilities as valid .
Thinking like that is fine if you have all the time and money in the world .Our money?
Thinking like that is fine if you don't want to practice real science .Or if YOU just want someone to  fat check the facts you select.

 Rich post modern progressives think you can have your cake and eat it.
They hypocritically  forget their own Greenlabor rhetoric  - The cake is of limited size

The hypocrisy of preaching limits to growth and not seeing consequences of poor choices is evident to those who have chosen a way (and walked a way) that actually works -   a productive way through the minefield .

You are not sure what I am talking about?
Well take this nonsense preached from the ABC bookclub through ABCdrum to the  heartbeat of  colluseum crucifixions  ( QandA)

You can have marriage and act like hedonists and all will be well .
So much for taking science ( and definitions seriously) 

Or if you want something completely up to date (Armistice day 2018)
and targeting the dumb reactionaries of past and present
read GKChestertons warning of the outcome ( say in 2 World wars ) of trying to cheat the prophets in the Napoleon of Notting Hill 1904

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