Thursday, November 14, 2019

Born to love

Went to hear the Waifs last night , and this great song gives inspiration .
When our reason fails us,  we need to go back and find foundations .
Such foundations can take some finding...but this is one is a good start . 
You were born to chase the good .
and good  is the equipment  YOU have to do that . Noone needs to tell you whats right but you need to be reconciled within yourself about whats wrong with you .
You have  failed to live up to whats right. 
You have been weak when being strong is your calling 

We know this truth too about love .
We sometimes have to cruel to be kind " which in itsef reminds us that to be thoroufgjly rationalmay just get us confused , Truth is in a tension ; a paradox .

Two Contrasting ways to think about and get on with loving    
1. Rationalize yourself into it . -many who don't want to introduce unknown forces into this world want us to never make a decision till we have weighed up what we know- they say - to be thoroughly responsible we have to be thoroughly rational and vice versa  . 
Surely this ask is asking us to think and act on  incomplete information ( and maybe using emotion and rationalized emotion ) as well -  a cop out  convenience buy-- I am saying what we need as our emotions and minds are connected  that we may need   a holding position.
What we know from human experience is that we don't know . "What's love got to do with anything"  and if ever there there was anything that's subject to rational abuse its love talk. To  accept that its part of the structure of life  is not enough when we want to use it -- rationally... .  Can anyone resolve all problems by being specifically rational about their interpretation of whats  good in a situation? . If Love is not what we want it to be, who tells us what it is ?  Whats promoted as Love as Tina turner says is often anything but .  Isn't any automatic presumption  of love  being love specifically dangerous as its products in politics shows . " You need to die because you are not as fit as I am and there are too many people in the world"  .For good of all - That's natural rational love-- isn't it? 

2, Born to love comes from beyond these earthly shores    To have reasons beyond reason ability is not irrational,  but possibly  big picture wise . If we accept an answer as beyond reason and beyond your knowledge of the universes natural forces you may have a chance of getting beyond reason to then better rationalize your experience .  Taking on assumptions you dont fully undestand is not easy but it is How we learn , assumming   Karma ,  Justice and judgement  may help us learn and learn to love . 

. The ABC asks "are humans inherently kind" ?  This question highlights the inadequacy of the  post modern position 1  - No 2 assumes we are more than structure and  we have freedom to choose love . kindness or cruelty. 
What we do know if we ever grow up when is that we sometimes have to cruel to be kind.
So love is a bit  about timing, not being superficial  and being disagreeable like our mother are .  ( 3 amigo rules that are not always acceptable in a court of moral law ) 

3 Thinking completely outside the square 

If kindness is  the weak force of Nature ,  maybe its the one that holds it together ( a lesson from recent cosmology ?) If God is not good,  we have all the reason we nred to be bad

Biologically we are not inherently anything,  but a structure in which forces can operate ; Forces of chemistry physiology etc - An amazing creation - that has the freedom to choose  for good or for ill .For self or for the body
The biggest mistake any generation make is to blame the structure and deny the freedom of choice . Is that what the epistemological despair of our own generation all about  -denying ourselves choice when it suits us to deny it  ? The genes made me do it /
Modelling is how the Christian faith grew to be seen to be a workable philosophy. Testing a faith is a good way to build/ destroy a foundation - following Christ's way  has stood the test of time 
Our psyches tell us we all have a religion of sorts and quite logically OUR rational for using them , on the above logic must be at times,  quite unreliable .
That means  the belief , or something like Karma,always makes complete sense to a pedant ,  a flanuers  or your everyday chatterer on the net.    .

Who cares  if you are a bit of a romantic .... if it works ?

Martin Luther King
wrote the book  "Free to love" . another foundation . to love we need to be free to love
Modern determinists  are all wrong is trying to say we are one thing or the other which leads people to say  groups are either good or bad -- this is not truth but projection . see JB Peterson's rule on housekeeping intelligence

Martin Luther reminds us we are a duality  . he learned the hard way ( by striving to be good ) that we are need a way forward from a dilemma we face every day .

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Thursday, November 07, 2019

Supporting the most productive innovators in the country

You can't expect the narrow minded dependencies in the cities to not focus on the apparent sin of subsiding farmers ( even with in drought ) , As culturally determined cynics ,they are so suspicious of business and the business of everything .
ALL they want to  do is win their simple arguments on 730 and ABC Melbourne ' not really understand the stress and respect the non dependent approach of producers , Which is  why low interest loans are some of the best ways for govt to be involved-.such $ seed innovation.

But you can beat the blinkered pedants at their own game . The simpletons  want to preach "the big bad drought and CC making things worse and worse."
Wise eco polys would remind them that what they are doing is MORE REALISTIC and place driven -solving LOCAL resilience adjustments well .

If the Libs really listened to the needs of rural communities, they would support local ecologists and economists ( I was one ) to hand the money out to specific areas on the basis of local needs ( droughts are different in different areas ( not like Laura Tingle tried to state on 730 ).

 For example dry western NSW has for a  long time needed to invest in silage and burying it in trenches dug by excavators ( normal silage down south requires a lot of work,  dangerous packing methods +rots if not packed watertight ) 
Areas receiving a fair bit  of rain in the last week can harvest even thistles for feed. and also do it anytime in their normal unreliable feed supply systems. ( not just shed s etc)     
Agistment wasn't mentioned but is presumably still part of drought assistance.   
