Monday, March 15, 2021

Nothing worse than the feeling you are not going anywhere

 Nothing worse that having people in leadership who don't know where they are going 

The young guns know that the Greens have a point, but so does any child who observes his parents hypocrisy . Being simple these reactionaries  see that the previous Libs antipathy towards the Greens is not exactly justified-- on a superficial level ( where they too are on the subject of the environment) .
The real point is hypocrisy and self righteousness; if you haven't dealt with it by now, when will you? Would you ever take the cushions away and feel the real cutting edge under you? how industry and consumers  ignore waste for example . 

More train wrecks at our expense
The liberal party is being run by persons so desperate to be popular and progressive that they will jump on board any fast moving train. They stupidly think conservative means slow of mind , when it implies slow to move - quite a good thing cf the quickfix quick cancel cultures of the present .
Liberals who don"t look back are the most dangerous to follow . They have the confidence of their forefathers , but not the past lesson caution from how to do well and how to avoid the crash that comes without proper speed and direction study. By jumping aboard the same train as the Greens they( like the Greens )see the horizon, but will never get there because they BOTH avoid the effort of real concretely thinking the WHY and HOW .
LIbs have only to study what WHY HOW happened to SHORTEN in the last election - he followed ideals without thinking through the prcatical

We could of course say that the people don't want to do conservation - which is true . Something which makes the new Libs token vendors like the Greens. Wanna look good but not pay the price. That would be right . As neither of these new age salesmen know where they are going with their high minded talk , its a bit early to talk of relevance : the people are wise enough to ditch both of them .